Tag AI

Sparse Neural Networks (2/N): Understanding GPU Performance

NVIDIA Ampere A100 introduces fine-grained structured sparsity

Is the future of Neural Networks Sparse? An Introduction (1/N)

From principles to real-world library support.


Sparse Neural Networks (2/N): Understanding GPU Performance

NVIDIA Ampere A100 introduces fine-grained structured sparsity

Is the future of Neural Networks Sparse? An Introduction (1/N)

From principles to real-world library support.

Tag covid19

Covid19: Raison et incertitude

Partie 1 : comment pouvions-nous prévoir ?

Comment arrêter le coronavirus ?

Avec une quarantaine stricte. Il n’y a plus d’autre moyen.

How can we contain the coronavirus?

TLDR: strict quarantine. No other measure will have an effect.

Tag science

Covid19: Raison et incertitude

Partie 1 : comment pouvions-nous prévoir ?

Comment arrêter le coronavirus ?

Avec une quarantaine stricte. Il n’y a plus d’autre moyen.

How can we contain the coronavirus?

TLDR: strict quarantine. No other measure will have an effect.